Micronized L-Glutamine Amino Acid 5,000 mg Powder
There’s a reason why athletes take L-glutamine: it supports muscle repair and growth, especially following strenuous exercise.* It’s also an essential fuel source for the cells in our gut, supporting intestinal health and gut lining.* But the benefits don’t stop there. L-glutamine also supports a healthy occasional inflammatory response and the immune system after periods of intense physical stress (e.g., a severe illness).*
Consider adding a scoop of L-Glutamine to your post-workout regimen!
Supports muscle tissue and the immune system*
Helps maintain the integrity of the intestinal barrier*
Micronization technology minimizes the particle size, allowing the body to easily break down and absorb it.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*Check with your healthcare practitioner if you are nursing, pregnant, are under 18, or following a doctor-prescribed protocol